Tuesday, 18 September 2012

A Knitted Interlude 2

Lately I have been looking for something new to knit that would be interesting, fun and something to help me learn new things or practise new techniques. After some searching on Ravelry I found these:

Owl Puffs designed by Jenna Krupar

These have been a lot of fun to do. They use knitting in the round (specifically in my case, magic loop knitting) and I had to learn how to do Kitchener Stitch for finishing them off. Spotlight were having a sale on some yarns and I had a gift voucher with some money left on it from earlier in the year so I was able to pick up all my supplies really cheap.

I've been having an absolute ball making them (though they are a little bit fiddly at times) and I feel each time I make one, I get a little bit better at it. I also plan on decorating some - I can get tiny glasses from Spotlight, and well as tiny hats (even possibly... a tiny top hat *evil laugh*)

And soon, I shall have an army of tiny owls which shall help me CONQUER THE WORLD.

I mean...

I'm planing on giving them away as gifts to family and friends, but no doubt I will keep way too many for myself. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh. Mah... they're so cuuuute >< I want to squeeze one.
