Tuesday, 18 September 2012

New Look

Though this blog is still young I decided to change it's appearance a bit to better go with my new banner (picture of my Loque'nahak pet, Raiden courtesy of LupisDarkmoon over at the petopia forums - she made him look so good!!!) as well as to better suit the theme of my blog overall!

I've been a bit quiet lately due to dog-sitting, (meaning I don't have access to my PC and I prefer to write there, instead of on my laptop) I should have some new stories coming in soon though!

I have been busy in game getting a few achievements completed before Mists comes out next week.In the past weekend I managed to complete 40 Exalted Reputations, Diggerest, It Belongs in a Museum! and a few other miscellaneous Archaeology achievements along the way. I'm probably going to start working on polishing off my Keepers of Time rep next for The Burning Crusader. I also discovered that with the introduction of account-wide achievements, I only need three more for Glory of the Hero so that's on the list too.

When working on some dungeons in Northrend, I found an amusing side effect of the new hunter talent Blink Strike, in that if you are attacking a target that is flying, and use that ability there is a high chance that your pet will teleport to the target, then stand and fight in mid air.

It's Miranda, the amazing flying Rhino!
I spent way too much time in Occulus trying to get decent screenshots of it, and probably enjoying myself a bit too much in the process.

Happy Hunting!

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